Onescope awarded a CHF 1.2M grant from Innosuisse
19.03.2024We are thrilled to share that we have been awarded an Innouisse Innovation Project grant of CHF 1.2M!
This significant milestone from Switzerland’s leading innovation agency marks a critical step forward in our mission to revolutionize the diagnosis and management of respiratory diseases.
This grant not only provides a vote of confidence in our technology but also reflects the power of collaboration with our esteemed research partners at HUG and EPFL.
Thanks to Innosuisse, we are accelerating towards groundbreaking product and clinical developments. The funding allows us to finalize Pneumoscope’s development and fine-tune our AI model for automated respiratory disease classification. In parallel, we are developing a new algorithm for automated exacerbation severity assessment in childhood asthma.
Stay tuned for more updates as we further develop the Pneumoscope and embark on many other exciting projects ahead.

CHF 50k Grant from Fongit Innovation Fund (FIF)
20.12.2023Pneumoscope has been granted CHF 50k from the Fongit Innovation Fund (FIF), alongside three other Geneva-based technology ventures. Read the full article here.

Onescope awarded among "Top 10 Hottest Swiss Startups 2023" by Startup City
EPFL is talking about Onescope!
12.06.2023DeepBreath: Using deep learning to identify respiratory disease.
A new AI algorithm developed at EPFL and University Hospital Geneva (HUG) will power an intelligent stethoscope – Pneumoscope – with the potential to improve the management of respiratory disease in low-resource and remote settings. Read more
18.10.2018Un stéthoscope digital intelligent pour le diagnostic de la pneumonie de l’enfant.
La pneumonie est la principale cause de décès chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans dans le monde. Chaque minute, la pneumonie tue deux enfants de moins de cinq ans. La plupart de ces décès surviennent dans les pays à faible et moyen revenu, où il y a un manque important de travailleurs de la santé, d’infrastructures de soins de santé et de technologies de soins, pour le diagnostic de la pneumonie. Le projet Pneumoscope
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Our DeepBreath algorithms published in Nature DM
02.06.2023DeepBreath—automated detection of respiratory pathology from lung auscultation in 572 pediatric outpatients across 5 countries.
The interpretation of lung auscultation is highly subjective and relies on non-specific nomenclature. Computer-aided analysis has the potential to better standardize and automate evaluation. We used 35.9 hours of auscultation audio from 572 pediatric outpatients to develop DeepBreath : a deep learning model identifying the audible signatures of acute respiratory illness in children.
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13.02.2023The Future of Health Grant programme to support innovation in digital healthcare has entered the next stage. The 7 new start-ups selected from among 96 applications will benefit from funding and know-how to help them accelerate solution development.
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24.05.2022We are thrilled to announce that the 10 finalists of the SEIF Tech for Impact Awards 2022 have been selected!
With over 280 applications across 24 countries, the quality of applications for the hit a record once again! The high quality and diversity of applications came with high competition. This is where SEIF’s impact and business assessment tool came into play, to ensure a standardised and structured approach to the selection process.
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01.05.2022The Jet d’Or of innovation rewards the innovation that has the greatest impact on health or access to care. It is endowed with CHF 2,000. It is established with the support of the Geigy Foundation The Jet d’Or of Innovation was designated following a public vote among 7 nominees. The 7 nominees have been chosen by a selection committee from the innovations presented at the Global Health Lab.
The winner is the Pneumoscope.
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18.03.2022Startups developing a playful app for students, an AI-based Pneumoscope, an online platform to oversee clinical trial in real-time, and an AI-based animal voice recognizer each win CHF10,000.
Brian, Onescope, Rivia, and Wildlife-Box win Venture Kick’s first stage of entrepreneurial and financial support. Their projects develop a social and competitive app for students to master exams playfully, a unique autonomous multi-parameter stethoscope.
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16.12.2021Read more

24.06.2021Congratulations to all the pitch competition winners at the 2021 Global Healthcare Innovation Academy!
– Social Innovation: Destine Health (Calgary)
– Biomedical Innovation: TrophiPatch (Switzerland)
– COVID-19 Innovation: Pneumoscope (Switzerland)
– People’s Choice: SmartDrain (Calgary)
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15.11.2019La remise de prix de l’Innovation by Design Challenge (lancé par l’ECAL, la HEIG-VD, l’EPFL, la Ville de Renens, Innovaud et Les Ateliers de Renens) a eu lieu le 19 novembre 2019 en présence de plus de 200 participants. Le prix se positionne depuis plusieurs années comme un lieu de rencontre entre start-ups et designers, et permet de faire dialoguer les deux univers. Deux lauréats sont arrivés exæquo pour le prix du jury : Nebulo Systems (système anti-effraction) et Pneumoscope
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11.07.2019i-Teams brings together the brightest undergraduate and graduate students, as well as postdocs, and the university’s ground-breaking research to develop commercially viable strategies and build valuable university-industry links. The main goal of the project is to translate high-potential medical technologies through the collaboration between a research group and an i-Team. Using the expert knowledge of the inventors, each team uses creative and innovative approaches to find the best way to commercialise the technology beyond the laboratory application.
Winning team (Jury and Public 1st prizes): “Pneumoscope: A low-cost digital stethoscope for monitoring of pneumonia in children”
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